Gluten Free Black Bean Brownie: Gluten, Corn, Dairy, Soy, Potato, Rice, Nut (including peanuts) and GMO Free

Our Gluten Free Black Bean Brownie brings together two worlds that usually do not get to co-exists, decadent and healthy! We use an all-natural cocoa and sweeten with a little honey. You add a can of black beans, some milk or your favorite non-dairy drink, 1/3 cup butter or oil (one egg and nuts are optional). This bag of mix will make a 9x13 pan of brownies that will fill you up faster (lots of protein and fiber) and give you that great feeling of satisfying a chocolate craving. These brownies are also great for your friends and family who are diabetic, because of the amount of protein and fiber blood sugar levels will not spike.

Ingredients: Tapioca flour, arrowroot, cocoa powder, crystallized honey, chickpea flour, pinto bean flour, navy bean flour, millet, chia flour, xanthan gum, cream of tartar, baking soda, sea salt.

Our Bulk is 25 pounds of the flour blend (not individual mixes). 

Here is a great comment from one of our customers on how she modifies the brownies, thanks Denice!

To let you know, since the Gluten Free Black Bean Brownie mix has been such a crowd pleaser everywhere I go, not to mention my life-line for dessert, I thought I'd share with you some of my recipe enhancements.  I increased the black bean to 1-1/2 cans.  Vanilla coconut milk works fine, but the (So Delicious brand) Chocolate coconut milk is EXTREMELY tasty to where the brownies come out more fudgy.  I also add g/f choc. chunks (Enjoy Life brand) to the mix which blend in wonderfully.  I'm now up to two cans of organic black beans and the mix still holds up great!  I always double the egg quantity on all your mixes I've used (for personal preference to get more protein) without issue.  So, I'm now starting to wonder how else I can use that delicious no-fail Black Bean Brownie Mix.

$7.99 USD


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